Hatch Computer Resource
STEM in Early Childhood Education Round Table
Written by Ginny Norton
Join us for a rousing discussion of policy, implementation, challenges and success from our panelists as they discuss their own experiences incorporating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) into their curriculums and answer your questions!

Thursday April 10th | 2:00 PM Eastern
Click here to register: STEM Registration
The 21st Century Scaffold: A Sneak Peek at April’s #HatchExpert Webinar
Click to read article: hatch blog
Family Engagement Through Music: Using Music to Support Parent Involvement in Children’s Learning at School and at Home & Build Stronger Home-School Connections
Presented by: Lili Levinowitz, Ph.D. & Lauren Guilmartin, M.A.
Research emphasizes the developmental benefits and importance of parental engagement in children’s learning both at home and in school. Although early learning programs understand the importance of family involvement, it is often difficult to find enjoyable, quality, yet realistic ways to engage parents in school and at home. Participants will be introduced to the ways in which enjoyable and accessible adult-child music activities and materials can connect children, teachers, and parents and provide educators with easy and fun ways to engage parents in their child’s learning, enhance the home learning environment, promote family engagement in school, and support a strong child-teacher-family connection.
Thursday, February 13th | 2:00 PM Eastern
Click the link to register: http://hatchearlylearning.com/events/family-engagement-music-webinar/
Understanding How to Use Real Time Assessment as a Tool in Curriculum Design
Presented by: Cathy Grace, Ph.D.
As more technology becomes integrated in early childhood classrooms as a way to track student progress, teachers face an increasingly common problem: what to do with all that data! It can be overwhelming for educators to develop curriculum that not only takes full advantage of the technology at their disposal, but is also flexible enough to change as the data changes. In this presentation, Dr. Grace will provide helpful insights into the power of data provided on children’s progress on a weekly basis in determining possible changes in daily lesson plans and overall curriculum design based on her experiences with the Gilmore Early Learning Initiative.
Thursday, March 13th | 2:00 PM Eastern
Click the link to register: http://hatchearlylearning.com/events/student-assesments-webinar/